Solar-Fit Renewable Energy Radio

Bill and Jason Fleagle, Owner of Catalyst Brand Group Discuss His Background and His Transition Into Owning His Own Business

Bill Gallagher

Hear Bill's interview with his friend, Jason Fleagle, entrepreneur and owner of Catalyst Brand Group. You will really enjoy hearing Jason share stories of his fascinating life journey, growing up in Ohio with an initial focus on the medical field, and ultimately transitioning into becoming a business owner dedicated to helping others succeed in whatever field they chose. His desire to learn, and ultimately transfer that knowledge to others is inspiring. One of the topics that we think you will really enjoy pertains to the fastest growing global phenomenon....AI. Artificial Intelligence may sound like science fiction to many when they hear how powerful this tool has become...and the potential it has for our future. Jason explains how to access information and create content on a simple platform that is available to all. We are happy to say that Jason will be helping the Solar-Fit team spread the good word about the benefits of renewable energy. Thanks Jason, for the great interview and for all you do to help folks in our community!

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