Solar-Fit Renewable Energy Radio

Listen to Bill and Gloria Speak with A&B Home Curators Owner Bill Ruddy About His Background and Company

Bill Gallagher

Hear Bill and Gloria's interview with their friend and local businessman, Bill Ruddy. Bill's company, A&B Home Curators, offers homeowners an opportunity to have a trusted firm manage their home projects, small or large. Imagine, if you will, being able to call one phone number and having a reliable service company that can take care of your home cleaning and freshening, home maintenance, hurricane prep, AC filter inspection, smoke detectors, sprinklers, gutters, and much, much more. Talk about a blessing for busy people, and even snowbirds that would like their properties kept in pristine condition while they are at their second home during the summer. Bill is a remarkable fellow, a great friend to all that meet him, and a Navy veteran who truly cares for his country and his customers. If you take a moment to look around your home and property and see something that needs to be done or fixed... but you just cannot find the time to do...give Bill a call at (386) 290-3019 and sit back and relax. You are in good hands. Thanks Bill, for sharing your life story and information about the exciting business that you have created to benefit folks in our community.

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