Solar-Fit Renewable Energy Radio

Listen to Bill and Gloria Discuss Solar Storage Options and How It Can Benefit Those Living In Florida

Bill Gallagher

Hear Bill and Gloria talk about the wonderful world of solar storage. Did you know that solar power, combined with solar storage, can protect your home in the event of an unexpected power outage? 

Why should this be a concern? Well, if you live in Florida, and the TV screen shows that small dot off the coast of Africa is getting bigger...and the weather reporters start to get more excited...that means a hurricane is brewing and no one knows for sure where it will land. As beautiful and welcoming as our state is, the one weather report that no one wants to hear is..."a hurricane is heading our way". 

If a storm of great magnitude hits our area, and the power goes out...there is no way of knowing when it will come back on. Downed trees and power lines create issues for all, as even if we have a generator, there may be no way to get fuel. By contrast, solar power with battery storage will allow us to keep our food fresh, our lights on, and our communication and home security systems working as well. Join us for this important discussion about protecting our homes and families during a power outage by using the Sun's free energy, and having it available to use at night or when the street lights go dark.  It is always better to be prepared...than to wish we were prepared!  Give us a call today if you would like to learn more about protecting your home and property. (386) 441-2299

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