Solar-Fit Renewable Energy Radio
Solar-Fit Renewable Energy Radio
Listen to Bill Talk with His Daughter Kim and Granddaughter Meghan About Their Family Business and
Hear Bill's conversation with his famous and beautiful guests, Kim Brooks, President of Solar-Fit, and Meghan McDonald, Marketing & Media Executive for Solar-Fit. If these names sound familiar to any of our long-time listeners, it is because Kim is Bill's daughter...and Meghan is Kim's daughter...and you guessed it...Bill's granddaughter! Talk about a family based company! And oh yes...Jeff Brooks, our awesome lead service technician is Kim's husband! On a broadcast coming soon, we will have Kim's other daughter's, Marissa, (our Permit Coordinator), and Lily join us for some more family fun! It is truly wonderful to come to work each day surrounded by some of the most wonderful people on the planet and the family as well. We are so blessed. This was a fun episode as it is the first show of the New Year...and 2025 marks our 50th year helping our friends and neighbors "Plug into the Sun". During the show, we recalled several decades of memories including the first bag phone, phone booths, beepers... (even leisure suits), and moved all the way forward to the newest technologies driving commerce and our individual habits today. These inventions and creations would seem foreign to most of us, even ten short years ago. Today, they are commonplace and they are most certainly changing the way we live, and even the way we think, with AI just starting to take root. To be honest, it has been challenging, but rewarding, to keep up with the changes.
The younger generation today has become so adept at navigating the media sites that it is amazing just to watch them work their magic. Join us for some fun and if you are serious about making a difference in the world and saving energy dollars...Give Kim or Meghan a call and let them know that you heard about their adventures on WNZF Talk Radio.